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Morpheus8 Skin Rejuvenation

As we age, our skin cells may not turn over as fast as they did when we were younger. This may cause wrinkles to become more apparent as loss of volume and elasticity occur causing our skin to stretch and sag. Many of us would like to slow down this process and return to our healthier, glowing complexion. Though many surgical treatments can achieve this, in recent years, non-surgical techniques have been developed to address these concerns. At Advance Biomedical Treatment Center, we are proud to offer Morpheus8 to our patients who wish to reduce signs of aging.

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive resurfacing treatment that combines microneedling procedures with radiofrequency technology to rejuvenate cells and soft tissue deep within the skin’s epidermis and dermis layers.


The microneedling of the procedure creates tiny micro-wounds into the skin that allow the radiofrequency energy to penetrate deeper into the skin stimulating an increase of collagen and elastin production allowing for a softer, smoother, and more youthful complexion.


Morpheus8 can also be combined with other treatments to enhance the outcome of skin resurfacing treatments.

What Can Morpheus8 Treat?

Click on the skin condition for further information and to view before and after pictures. 

Tired of using antibiotics, Accutane, retinoic acids, facial washes, creams, gels and ointments?  How about resetting your skin anew? With Morpheus8 facial rejuvenation, you get a new face in a few weeks!

Sweat no more!  A non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure is now available to irreversibly thermolyze sweat glands and eliminate odor.  Morpheus8’s burst technology enables treatment in multiple layers of the subdermis.

Great news, there is now a definitive treatment for rosacea.  Morpheus8 gets rid of the pimple-like lesions on the face while Lumecca gets rid of the vascular irregularities on the face that are both found in rosacea. This dynamic duo of a treatment is simply unbeatable. 

Get rid of your home remedies and expensive emollients.  There is now a safe, simple, less expensive non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatment that resurfaces younger looking skin in just a few weeks.

Oh, that crepe-like skin is simply annoying.  You don’t have to see them in the mirror anymore.  Our Tempsure and Morpheus8 can both take care of the problem.

Stretch marks are actually scar tissue. With the advancements in technology, they can now be treated non-surgically; thanks to Morpheus8.  Using microneedling and radio frequency techniques the grooves between the shiny stretch marks are resurfaced and lifted and the shiny scar tissue becomes more dull and less prominent. As the subdermal fat melts, the skin tightens and the scar tissues get smaller and smaller.

Facial contouring has become much easier with Tempsure and Morpheus8, both of which are capable of producing a non-surgical facelift by radiofrequency technologies. These state of the art equipments are simply the best in its class.

Better than Botox and dermal fillers, Morpheus8 provides a longer-lasting effect that is all-natural!  No toxins, no injections, no serious harmful side effects.  Tempsure Envi radiofrequency treatment takes care of the shallow and deep lines of the face, as well.  It’s completely pain-free. Either way, advanced body remodeling is achieved by replacing old loose skin with new tighter, elastic, stronger and fresher looking skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

What sets Morpheus8 apart from other treatments?

Unlike standard microneedling procedures, Morpheus8’s microneedles can be adjusted to reach a depth of up to 4 millimeters. This allows for treatment to be customized for the client’s needs and combined with radiofrequency thermal energy can treat a wide range of conditions that traditional microneedling may not be able to accomplish.

How many treatments will I need?

Some patients can achieve their desired results in one to three treatments. Other patients may need to schedule a series of treatments performed over several weeks. Your treatment plan will be discussed during the initial consultation to determine the ideal number of treatments for each patient.

Is the treatment painful?

Your comfort is our top priority during treatment. Before the procedure, a topical anesthetic will be applied to the skin. After 30 minutes, the area will be checked to ensure the patient is ready to receive treatment. The patient will experience a warming sensation on their skin with little discomfort.

What are the side effects of treatment?

Patients may experience mild swelling, redness, tenderness, or temporary bruising which should subside within a few days. Patients may also experience tiny points on the skin from the microneedling that will crust over and flake off within a few days.

What is recovery like for Morpheus 8?

As a minimally invasive procedure, most patients are able to return to their normal activities the day after treatment. We recommend patients gently moisturize the area and avoid direct sun exposure for at least one week. Makeup can be applied 1 to 2 days after the treatment. Patients should expect to see micro lesions a few days after treatment and slight redness depending on treatment parameters.


However, if Morpheus8 is used in conjunction with other procedures, the downtime period may increase depending on the more intensive procedure.

How quickly will I see results?

Visible results can be seen within a few days, but typically after three weeks the most noticeable results appear. Improvements continue up to three months after treatment.

Can this be used in combination with other treatments?

Yes, Morpheus8 can be used in the same treatment session, or a few days after other treatments.

Can anyone use Morpheus8?

The benefit of Morpheus8’s color blind technology is that it can be used on all skin types.

Price List

  • Face and Neck 

  • Face 

  • Neck 

  • Chest 

  • Perioorbital or Mouth 

  • Active Acne 

  • Acne Scars 

  • Scars 

  • Backne 

  • Stretchmarks 

  • Upperarms 

  • Knees 

  • Banana Roll 

  • Abdomen 

  • Thighs 

  • Cellulite

  • Excessive Sweating 

















$2000 (pack of 3)

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